Saturday, May 28, 2011

Escapees !!!!

Today we had several people u pick strawberries at the farm so I was rather busy. Prepping the stand, getting animals "ready for company" , things like that.

I took the Scooter and Peanut to the large pasture to enjoy the grass (and keep it trimmed so I don't have to do it). I let Scooter in the pen and off his lead - I turned to get Peanut off her lead and Jack brayed - oh so loudly !!!!! Scooter spooked and bolted past Peanut and me - heading for the road. I finally got hold of him , calmed him and got him back to the pen.

A few minutes ago I drove the small tractor past the rabbit pen......empty !!!!! Our VERY SMALL black rabbit had escaped. I walked around very quietly and finally he hopped right up to me. I don't know who had a more fearful look - the bunny who was scared to be out or ME - the one who would have to tell my niece I lost her bunny !!!!

All in a days work at the farm !!!!!

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